Friday, May 23, 2008

Amanda's Tag...

Ok, so here it goes...

1. Age at next Birthday:
2. Place I would like to visit:

3. My favorite thing:

4. My favorite place:

5. My favorite food:

6. My favorite colors:
7. Where I live:
8. Past pet:
9. Nickname I have had:
10. College Major:
11. First job:
12. Goal for this year:

That was kind of fun. Hope everyone enjoys.


Amanda B. said...

AWESOME!! Love it! :) It is pretty fun, huh? I like it when I get tagged- gives me something fun to blog about. I learned some cool things about you that I didn't know- like working in a pizza shop, and a nickname of "sugar"? Very cool! I also like that you want to visit Australia. Thanks for playing! :)

SusanH72 said...

Awesome. I would love to play that game. I did not know you wanted to go to Austraila that is cool.

Sarah you are a beautiful woman and person inside and out.

Though I did know the age and the first job.. Yum I wish we could still get little csears pizza.

AHHH my nickname for you.... It fits you prefectly..