Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Boy's Checkups

Finally have something to write about...

Today we had the checkups for both boys, Joey 18 month & Kurtis 5 years.

First the update on Joey - he is 29 lbs (90%) and 32.5" tall (60%). He had 2 shots with no major issues. Actually, he hardly let out a cry when he got the shots. He is such a tough little guy.

Now Kurtis. He is 43.5" tall (60%) and 43 lbs (70%). Nice & even just the way the doctor likes. He did get 5 shots (3 in one arm, 2 in the other). He was not so easy on the shots. On our way to the doctor, he asked me if he would be getting shots today. Being a person who does not want to lie to her child, I said yes. He then cried all the way to the doctor's office. He settled down when Jeff showed up and we went in. He then told Dr Muresan that he did not want any shots. The doctor told him why he needed them (so that he would not get sick) but he still did not want them. Well, we all know how that ended up...He screamed during all of them. I think that if Jeff was not helping by holding him he might have tried to kick or bite the nurse who was giving the shots.

Next we spoke to the doctor about the results from his kindergarten assessment. During the evaluation, they perform an eye test and noticed that he seems to be favoring his right eye (much like I did - I believe). His vision is 20/30 in the right & 20/50 in the left but according to Ohio law, he has to be 20/30 in both eyes or he must be evaluated by the optometrist. Dr Muresan asked if we had noticed anything. I had seen times, when he was tired, where his left eye seems to drift behind his right eye. Because of this, Dr Muresan is referring us to an optometrist for Kurtis. Hopefully it will be an easy fix that does not require glasses.

Both boy's spent last Friday at the pool with the babysitter. Joey got red on the shoulders but no real burn (never hurt him) but Kurtis was a little different. I had provided the babysitter with sunscreen for both boys (60 for Joey & 15 for Kurtis). She says that she put it on several times for Joey but I think she only put it on Kurtis once. Anyway, I have provided her with shirts for both boys, if they go to the pool again before their current burns are healed. Kurtis did get blisters over the weekend - which were a lot of fun dealing with (see the shot story from today & you will get the idea). According to her - Joey is a little fish - he LOVES the water. She feels really guilty about Kurtis' blisters.

This week she is taking the kids to Vacation Bible School. Kurtis is really enjoying it. Today he sang me a song that he sung in Bible School. I am glad that he is enjoying it.

Anyway, that is all for now.


Amanda B. said...

Glad they are both healthy! I feel your pain about Kurtis's shots- Kenny and Jacob were both the same way- had to be held down while screaming. I think it is easier for the babies because they don't see it coming. It hurts, but the pain passes quickly- it is more the shock. Whereas by the time they are this age, they develop the fear and the anticipation makes them crazy. You did the right thing though by being honest. If you had said no and then he found out he did, he would have trouble trusting you. I think we parents hate shots worse than the kids do, but we know how important they are.

Sounds like the boys are having fun - getting to swim and VBS- very cool! I can't help but wonder though- if she put sunscreen on Kurtis even once, he shouldn't have blistered. and if she put it on Joey several times, he shouldn't have gotten red even. That just doesn't make sense to me. Poor guys! The shirts are a great idea! Us pale white people have a hard time with that! :)

Sarah said...

Amanda, We talked to the dr about it & he has actually seen alot of cases where lotion was applied but still got burnt. He said that she probably did put the lotion on - the sun was just too strong.

Mom Janet said...

OWWWWWWW - poor Kurtis and Joey. Kurtis sounds like my brother, Jim. He would burn at the drop of a hat and was always getting blistered; unlike Ken who would be chocolate brown just going to the mailbox and back. Me - I would get "paler" and freckle up. Keeping the sunscreen on them is a good thing and the higher the rating the better. They have those spray on types now that are really easy to use on the kids. Kurtis sounds like me at that age - fight anyone who came near with a needle and scream. Hope they got suckers!! That is what I got when it was all over - and I even got to pick it out myself.... :).

VBS will be a great thing for Kurtis - he loved the nursery at Reynoldsburg and being with all the kids. They do some really cute things during the VBS week and you will be so surprised when they have the ending program at the church. That will be something to write about.

Keep up on the eye problem - even though it might just be a muscle issue vs a vision issue there are several ways that it can be corrected.

Amanda B. said...

oh...wow...that is some tough sun. I am glad the doc agrees that all it is. I really feel bad for the little guys! Thanks for the update!