Well today was the day I had hoped would not come. Ever since I first found out I was pregnant I had hoped my children would have Jeff's fantastic eyesight. But that was not meant to be...
In the past, I had noticed times when Kurtis' left eye seemed to be slow or drag a little. On occasion I would even notice it being turned in some but it always seemed to be a time when he was tired - never when he was wide awake. Guess I should have had him looked at sooner because in May when we went for his Kindergarten assessment for Hilliard they did a vision test.
During this test, they noticed it too - saying that he tried to turn his head to look out using his right eye instead of the left (because the right was covered). Again I really did not think much of it because he was extremely tired (we had bowling the night before) and I thought that was the reason.
Well - they wanted him to be looked at by the pediatrician to see what he said when I took him in for his 5 year shot/check-up (see previous post for that visit). Nurse did a little checking but he really did not want to cooperate. That is when they referred us to the opthamologist.
We went to that appointment about 2 weeks ago. During the visit, the nurse did the initial vision screening & when that was over - all hope of him not getting glasses was gone. He would get some of the answers correct but there was no real consistance to his results. So without any further ado...
The glasses are a metallic blue with Spiderman web designs on the arms. The biggest problem right now is that he is looking over the top of them to see the TV when he is sitting about 8-10ft away from it. He says he can't see the TV. I am hoping that it only a temporary thing. Maybe I will call the doctor tomorrow to ask.
For those of you who want to see a recent picture of me & the boys...

Joey is not feeling well right now - summer cold. Both boys have really enjoyed spending most days at the pool with the babysitter. I am glad I found her. Other than a few issues she has worked out well.
Well that is all for today hopefully soon, I will have more to write about on a regular basis - my baby will be starting school.
1 comment:
I was glad to see this post. when I got your email, I thought- this would be a good thing for her to blog about! Well, he looks cute in glasses at least! I feel your pain...I am only waiting to hear my kids need them. Aaron and I both have crappy vision, so I am sure it is coming.
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