This weekend we decided it was time to get Joey's hair cut. Several times while I have been out with him, people have asked if he was a boy or a girl, so I guess it is time. Joey's hair is actually a lot shorter than Kurtis' was when we took him for his first hair cut but oh well...
Here is a picture of Joey before:

I thought a nice side
view would allow you to see what his hair looked like too:

During the hair cut - Joey did not cry once. His biggest problem was that he would not sit still. He also seemed less than impressed with the whole experience...

Here is the final outcome.
Joey is no longer my little baby - I almost started crying looking at him yesterday.
My Little Handsome Man.
Very cute! I love it! :)
Finally home long enough to check it out. You were right, Joey looks just like Kurtis at that age. That "look" while getting his hair cut says it all. No more little boy, but all big boy now. Great pictures. Love you, Mom
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